Sunday, July 31, 2011

The End of Nearly Three Decades of Hell On Earth...

 ...and I am prepared to end it here:

Wade Davis' book, THE SERPENT AND THE RAINBOW, (bastardized by Motion Picture Association president, Jack Valenti, an assistant of the notorious Walt Rostow, as was Bill Moyers), tells of when the ethnobotanist was summoned to a major East Coast University, (Yale), and was met by two very well-dressed, yet very strange men, (the now-dead Brothers Rostow, Walt and Eugene, top-level C.I.A. Agents, and counter-intelligence specialists. Read; liars.). A bitter portion of their beastly lives is chronicled in, They asked him to, "...go to Haiti and find the secret of voodoo death.")

In the beginning, it was called Gay-Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome; GRID. Gay-related deficiency? Hm. Then it was a virus, Human Immuno-deficiency Virus; HIV. There's that word again, 'deficiency,' potentially A THREAT TO US ALL! Egads!  It was said that the 'reason' it can not be captured with a photo-electron microscope is because, "It mutates too quickly." (If that were true, every Gay, Black and Democrat would be dead by now, as planned. Walt was always planning something.) AZT was prescribed, which was first used in chemotherapy treatments for cancer, (and placed on a so-called 'fast-track' so it could be dispensed within two years, and not for seven years and requiring clinical human trials), but was deemed so toxic it was only used for two weeks. It killed the cancer cells and every other cell in the body. AIDS patients were given it, and were dead in two years, as planned. 

First, they marginalize, then ostracize, then demonize, and finally, victimize. That is the essence of voodoo death, and it is the essence of U.S. policies, programs and an AIDS Establishment, nay, Industry, sapping recources worldwide to combat this fantasy disease. Disease? How did it go from a blood deficiency, [bad blood, it was called in Biblical times], to a virus, now to a disease: HIV/AIDS Disease? I will tell you how. It was simply the sinister plotting of the Brothers Rostow, which evolved with each new revelation as an argument intended for the Mass Hysteria they sought to create. They were twisted and evil men, and nobody knows the extent of the brutality of these two evil men, with their twisted and evil lies intended for the sole purpose of exterminating all Gays, Blacks and Democrats, and giving the Republican/CIA/FBI/Mafia machine complete power.

Acts of War: JESUS/ALEXANDER & JFK's final chapter thoroughly exposes, among other things, the HIV Lie, (and the book has been cataloged at the Stanford [California] University Library under, History and Historical Expose`). The chapter is titled, "NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN," which was inspired by the following two quotes: "And there was a woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years, and was attended to by many physicians, but did not get better but grew worse, and who spent all she had." "If I may touch the hem of his garment I will be healed." " ...Daughter," said, (Jesus/Alexander), "Your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be free from your suffering," and, "What is, is what will be, and what has been done will be done, and there is nothing new under the Sun."

The evil-Brothers Rostow were so vicious, so cruel and so demented that they instituted a sophiticated whispering, (counter-intelligence), campaign that AIDS originated from, "Niggers fuckin' monkeys," and was even concluded recently by Anderson Cooper of TIME/CNN as he walked so dramatically through the jungle of the Congo, and said, "There is little doubt that AIDS originated here." (!!!?) How utterly baseless and base, indeed. Where are all these millions upon millions of graves? They do not exist, here, there or anywhere. All African men are by-and-large socially conservative with high moral standards, not the promiscuous filth they tried to portray them as.

Harken the vile Tuskeegee Experiments, where two funny-looking doctors, with funny-sounding names, misdiagnosed Black men with syphillus, and gave syphillus to those who tested negative, because, they said, "We wanted to see how it progressed!" Bull-hockey! They were just, plain, evil men trying to annhilate a race of People who voted, usually Democratic, in Tuskeegee, Alabama.

A syndrome is something that has no known beginning, and no known end. Now, we know its beginnings, and this is the end.

Gary Reginald Dodge
141 Leland Avenue, 107
San Francisco, CA., 94134
494-5754 fax
205-2013 mornings